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God's Got Me* Newsletter

Rugged Running/SheRUGGED Newsletter

  • Coaches Blog/Tips

  • Success & Inspire Stories

  • Healthy Recipes

  • Events across the U.S. and Online


*Coaches Blog/Tips-

God’s Got Me…

By: Michele Yates

Why so much bad? Why so much challenge? Why not a little more good than bad?

Pictured: Coach Michele Yates and daughter Maya- Keystone

These are the questions I find myself asking nowadays to God. Can we please have a little more good in the world to outweigh the bad and motivate us a little more?

One may misread this as wavering faith but have no doubt that my faith is still in God and I do believe “God’s Got Me.” God’s got me going in the direction he would like me to go. God’s got me pursuing ambitions he has in mind for me (not just what I would like to do or that I feel comfortable doing) and where he needs me to serve. Not that I am a puppet, but a servant of God. God's got me here for something! How about you?

One definition for being a faithful servant, according to the Bible, is to be a devoted and helpful follower, to be humble before God, to be ready to act as God nudges and inspires us, to help meet the needs of other people, and to remember that it is not about money or reward but also that it’s not about being a doormat either.

Don’t believe in God? Do you have to believe what I am saying?

Doesn’t it make you feel good to hold open that door for someone or even OPEN A DOOR in life for someone? Doesn’t it make you feel good to use your gifts and talents to help others?

The one answer I feel I continuously get in response to my questions is to be grateful for what I do have. To focus on what I can do not get caught in that comparison trap of my younger self or others. Because if we strip it down, we will find that there is plenty to be grateful for and with new chapters in life, growth and wisdom happen.

When you make wise decisions, you keep your immediate needs in mind, along with holding long-term perspectives. This is key to making choices that bring you joy. In addition, wisdom allows you to make better contributions to your community by balancing your needs and boundaries with those of others.

Personal growth helps you better to control your emotions and negative thoughts (like those of comparison). Having a growth mindset you find peace and contentment with things you cannot change. As we know, some things we really cannot change. Just like an ultra running race, there are so many elements that come into play that one needs to do their best to prepare for it, yet give what is out of their control to God and accept that the weather, the course conditions, or sometimes even our physical health is out of our control.

At these points, we tend to ask “WHY?”... And that is okay, but one should tread lightly on self victimizing, comparing, or getting sucked into the negative force field.

What can I say instead of asking why?

“What else?” can be a great way to identify issues, to meditate and follow up on. The key point is that “What else?” is a means to achieve the same ends as a “Why?”-based line of questioning while sidestepping the potential issues that “Why?” can create.

Asking “What else?” will help you navigate and negotiate the space between your current reality and the one you desire to create. Asking God or the universe or whatever you believe in, What else?... (in a positive light) shows trust and to acknowledge what else can you learn here? How can you grow? What else can you improve upon (yourself, your community, the world)?

Sometimes it is difficult to ask “What else” in a positive light when you are encountering challenge after challenge. This is where I am at right now with the exception of the negativity. I’m not going to downplay my discouragement…it’s there.

I’m not going to downplay my confusion…it’s there.

But I will continue to fight it positively, the best way I can, with the only way I know how…”God’s Got Me.” so "What else?"

Discouragement develops when the comparing mind holds unrealistic expectations, demands perfection, and craves for measurable progress, predictable results, or signposts of success.

Recognizing that my 41 year old body is not my 25 year old body can be hard some days. As is letting go of those dreams that were only achievable at a younger age. I’m not saying quit on your dreams because you have encountered older age or challenges, but I am saying there is a point where one must navigate their expectations and work towards the results they want in a realistic manner (despite the neigh sayers, toxic people, or expectations that were long ago placed on you by others).


Embracing the future means facing change. It means engaging and grappling with it.

IT DOES NOT MEAN SETTLING for less, certainty is an illusion. It does not mean taking the easy way. Reconnect with any constraints you may have and be able to change. Accept that NO ONE, including yourself is perfect and we live in an imperfect world.

If you settle, you're saying to yourself and the world that your goals are not worth fighting for and they are! The difference is that wisdom and growth you are seeking out of every situation and asking the “What else”... instead of the why try.. “What else can I do..”

I have encountered embracing the suck once again and at this point I’ve put on my “freak” hat and I’m wearing it with pride. I’m going to continue to flaunt it, flash it, and fight for my “What Else’s.”

This “what else” comes in a form I never imagined. My pulmonary system. Never an issue before, yet after the last surgery (maybe the culprit), I was soon diagnosed with asthma and now a form of Chronic Pulmonary Disease.

I HAVE TO BE PUT ON SUPPLEMENTAL OXYGEN…. Never thought those words would come out of my mouth.

There is still further testing, I have nocturnal hypoxia (the CPD)- but note it’s not proven obstructive yet and there are different types in which one could have mixed. For now, an all night dose of supplemental oxygen, inhalers and over the counter ) 02 inhalers have become a part of my life (especially trying to run up mountains- which my doctor is not supporting right at the moment :) but he is very hopeful I will feel better and avoid damage to organs with the nightly 02 (and I’m of course pushing my limits without letting this hinder life, yet doing what I am able to do and being grateful for that!).

Any other athletes reading this have nocturnal hypoxia? Or taking medical Oxygen? I'd love to hear from you -

So now I ask again, “What Else?”... not as in what else are you going to blast me with next God, but “What else should I do?” How else can I inspire and use my gifts and talents? Will I be dragging an oxygen tank up a mountain when I race, inspiring anyone I pass or who passes me?? (side note: WADA - World Anti Doping does not prohibit the use of 02 inhalers, granted, the sport of running does- I’m unsure medically what this encompasses but I will find out)... OR find myself making use of my years coaching my kiddos soccer team?

The conclusion: I will do what I can, when I can, how I can and be grateful and TRY to keep a positive attitude, with positive talk no matter what challenge God gives me.

A friend once gave me a dish towel that says “Sometimes blessings look like bullshit…” Bullshit meaning “untrue” “nonsense” … and I do agree God has a funny sense of humor sometimes!

So when you are finding yourself getting sucked into the SUCK… try these things..

  1. Focus on what you can do by asking “What Else?”

  2. Write down all the LITTLE things you are grateful for and work your way up to the big things (example: start with clean water… if you take this for granted, go backpacking and sanitize your own, it will build character).

  3. Acknowledge the things you can and cannot change

  4. Avoid comparison, unrealistic expectations, and negative self-talk by focusing on your strengths, your growth, and your ripple effect to the world.

  5. Celebrate the small wins, those baby steps will still get you over mountains!


*Success & Inspire Stories-

Check out our success pictures from June and July!

(from left to right)

  • Angela and Barb- SheRUGGED conquer their HOT 5k!

  • Norm Williams fights back from knee surgery with the MS Warrior Dash

  • Matt Hoholek nails his 50k!

  • Gabrielle Minarik PR'd by 5 minutes at the Quadzilla!

  • Gabrielle Harris sails through North Fork 50k

  • Anna Hailey blazes through her 26.2 in 3:12!!!

  • Ed Thomas executes Leadville marathon after coming off of surgery!

  • Nik Werner is back to butt kicking in her training runs!

  • Barb Fields and friends succeed at their 10k!



*Healthy Recipes -

Roasted Cauliflower

2 bags steamable cauliflower ( microwave 3 minutes if frozen)

Big ziplock

Olive oil and spray

Southwest seasoning


Salt and pepper

Lemon and lime

Plant based butter

Gluten free bread crumbs

Microwave cauliflower.

Spray pan and preheat oven 425 degrees

Put cauliflower in big plastic baggie with olive oil and seasonings ( enough to coat well)

Spray baking pan with olive oil

Place or dump out cauliflower bag on bake dish

Sprinkle with bread crumbs

And spray with olive oil

Drizzle with honey

Taco Salad

Ground bison with yellow peppers ( ps red peppers can cause havoc on your tummies, headaches etc-- raw onion and garlic too!)

Plant based cheese


Annie's French dressing

Optional: Tomatoes (but again, with tummy troubles or GERD stay away!)

Taco seasoning

* Fry up the meat, peppers and seasonings in a pan with olive oil. Let it cool then place on top of a bed of greens with various veggies optional. I topped with Annie's French Dressing but Dairy Free Ranch would work too!



Open Group Rikes: (interested in hosting one near you? let me know!) Run, Hike or Walk! No need to be a Rugged Runner or SheRUGGED- we welcome all!

  • August 19th and September 23rd at Coffee Creek Preserve at 8:00am host: Norm

  • July 31st 5:30 pm Courthouse 5th St. Steamboat CO host: Lynaia

  • August 20th 6am Beaver Ranch Hike CO (EVERYONE) host: Michele

  • August 20th 6pm Everyone online Mobility!

  • September 10th 6am Beaver Ranch Hike CO (EVERYONE) host: Michele

  • September 10th 6pm Everyone Online Mobility!

  • August 19 - Canoe Creek State Park 9am

  • August 12th and September 9th. All at 8am Central and all at Dunes Wilson Shelter. Host: Matt

  • September 16 - Rothrock State Forest (North Meadows parking) - 9am--



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