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How 5 Minutes, 1 hour, 1 day or 1 week Can Change Your Life...

It's been awhile.. and I thought I'd share with you what I've been up to, what I've learned and what's coming up!


The summer has been jammed packed with sports camps, Bible camps, camping, trips and fun... so where was the time to train? work? rest? ... good point and one I've learned the hard way. But then again, if you have kids you know...

  1. It's better to invest for them to go learn something, be active and engaged than spend their summer days sitting at home.

  2. The downfall, it can cost money, but that is why I say INVEST. If you are working parents, you don't possibly have all that time to spend with your kiddos even during the holiday/summer months... so why not.. invest in their growth?

3. How to afford it all, do it all, and ENJOY IT..

  • PLAN AHEAD!!! (camps and such fill up quickly but also typically provide an early bird price... this means putting "summer planning" on your schedule months ahead of time!) ps.. this means for you too! Races, retreats, time off...

  • If you are planning ahead, that means you can save ahead and not only save ahead but find chores, projects etc that your kiddos can EARN their way to all these fun adventures! Yup.. you too again :) Skip your Starbuck's once a week and that money adds up fast! It may not buy you a trip to Bora Bora but for sure a day at the spa!

  • BE REALISTIC!!! One could say, well we have structure to our days so I can work and they can play etc.. but I think I'm not the only one who realized it only take a few minutes until the crazy kid chaos hits and they start bugging you, or asking to play or are soooo bored already... or the guilt creeps in because you don't want them on their screens yet you have to get work done and something has to give!!!

  • MAKE TIME...for them too though (of course!) Them as is in your spouse, your kids, your dogs, your family reunions etc.. but again PLAN AHEAD!

  • OH WAIT.. forgetting about you? Don't! As much as it sounds painful, too far ahead, or not as big of deal as you think... all the above can rob you of living life to the fullest. Haven't you heard?

  • ONE hour of planning can save you 10 hours of doing (not to mention losing your mind, being late or always feeling like you are in the overwhelm). But yes, you do need to set aside that time to plan too!..

4. The Biggest lessons learned... PLAN AHEAD, INCLUDE ALL THINGS, SAVE $$$ ahead of time (ps use trips and camps as gifts.. wrap up the certificate and let them open that and look forward to it for summer at Christmas!) and FINALLY...

Give yourself 5 minutes extra of the time you THINK you need to leave for something, do something, or be somewhere.

Sure you can set your clock ahead of time, you can think well I have that extra 5 minutes.. but like all things spend it wisely and try before you buy. ... you may need 10 minutes extra etc.. but planning ahead, scheduling that extra time can go far kids or no kids. Extra rest as you wait in the parking lot, extra 5 minutes walk as you are in the parking lot..

My lessons learned:

  • 5 minutes- can keep the peace (add it in to prevent rage and irritability!)

  • 1 hour- can buy 10 hours later

  • 1 day- a quarter to plan for the next 3 months ahead can keep the balance

  • 1 week- can help you reboot for the year ahead.

I have been recently asked to blog about my doings over the summer so here it goes!

As I wrapped up Quad Rock 50 miler mid May.. I had planned recovery time before the summer hit (for those that don't purposely plan this AND FOLLOW IT.. I would suggest taking a look at the big picture. Are you performing as well as you want? Are you dragging on in life instead of thriving? Irritable, cranky, struggling...with things.. this could be part of the reasons why).

We all are AMPED- up after a good performance or completing a goal, but it's very important to allow your body to rest fully. I am not just talking about the sore muscles, I am speaking of your adrenal glands, mental health, along with your physical health.

Did you know?

There's a lot more going on inside than you think...

  • Exercise can cause muscle damage and changes in liver membrane permeability, which can lead to abnormal liver function tests (LFTs).

  • Chronic over training is what leads to serious health problems, including adrenal insufficiency. Severe over training over an extended period can result in adrenal depletion.

  • High-intensity exercises or endurance workouts may exacerbate high cortisol levels if someone is not sleeping well, suffering from stress or eating a lot of sugar.

  • Experts believe extreme endurance puts extreme demands on the cardiovascular system. It may also lead to heart damage, heart rhythm disorders, and enlarged arteries, in some people.

Now we all know the alternative of not doing enough exercise is also DETRIMENTAL to our health... but as mentioned above, planned recovery is crucial to whole body well being!

Some of you do have it planned, but have trouble following the plan. My rule of thumb is that I should actively recover (15 minutes of walking a day with mobility) for a week or so until I really start getting anxious.. my body starts raring to go... but then, I WAIT 1 more day.

Also a pro tip: if you are gunning for the next adventure already... BE SURE you take that recovery time (and even a little extra) to conquer the PLANNING for the next round! The next quarter the next months ahead ... in order to help life FLOW.. not just GO! WE use the word balance but we all know that isn't really realistic, but when life ebbs and flows we are able to pivot as needed and are PREPARED! ... at least the best we can be.


During these last few months I'm speaking of.. we rescued a puppy (who turned out to be mostly Great Dane and over 60lbs at 6 months), one of our other dogs had a tumor the size of my first grow suddenly near his hind end and end of spine (it was cancer and it had to be removed.. and then some, multiple, I think 10x of restitch or repair and still isn't even fully healed yet!) , numerous doctors appointments for myself and Maya, Maya started summer camps, Wyatt and I tried to get away for a few days to train in the mountains but a massive wild fire spoiled our plans, we had State and Regional youth Track meets for the MMXC team... went to Iowa, .. as you can see my life is not short of anything your life probably is....

And I am not perfect just like you probably aren't... we learn through experience, education and sometimes some grit.

That is where the "planning" comes in but sometimes we can't always stick to it and have to find the HOW.. with pivoting.

How to stick to the PLAN

  • Be Specific about the End Goals (you don't have just one, you have career, family, individual, etc.. be sure to include them all)

  • Be Realistic with the Time You Have to Accomplish the Goals ( 1 year? 5 year? then see #3)

  • Break it Down into Small Manageable Parts(work your way backwards from the goals filling in all details, timelines, check points)

  • Keep Lists (if you could see my desk right now!... it's filled with sticky notes for such things, and my planner has those deadlines)

  • Be Accountable to Yourself Don't be a weenie.. if you don't think you can you won't.. but also DO NOT hesitate to ask for help- do you need a dog sitter? a group?

  • Allow Yourself to Step Away Periodically (this is the 1 day thing- be sure to take a step back, re-evaluate make adjustments and keep trying)

  • Look Back at Your Progress if you are always focused on the end result, instead of the adventure getting there... you will miss out! USE what you have accomplished to grow even more!...

  • Believe in Yourself if you don't- no one else will.. yeah sure maybe you mom kind of.. or your friend.. but the reality is, whether they do or don't, it doesn't mean much unless YOU BELIEVE IN YOU!!! Dive into some of the Olympic interviews and such.. you aren't going to find much of "I kind of think I can do it.."

  • Goals are just physical battles they are MENTAL battles too!

  • Let your goals grow I'm constantly saying "way to grow" when someone achieves a small or big win... because if we are being honest with ourselves and take a look back on life, we won't probably see these huge steps that got us to where we are... we see small steps that provided confidence, guidance, and GROWTH.

What's up next???

Despite the doctor's appointments, trying to figure out my health problems further (or how to fix them!!!)... I am going to go for Run Rabbit Run 100 mile....ONE LAST TIME.

I have the understanding that at any time, this could be taken away from me, that things may not go as hoped...but if I don't try I won't know...

Now just to clarify..

  1. The 100 mile mountain distance should always be respected.

  2. I'm okay with not running 100 mile races any longer and therefore I can when I do.

  3. 3. I trust that God has a Plan. matter my understanding, triumphs or trials.

So as training ramps up for me, the kids (MMXC) will have a break.. and give their XC season a strong go in August... starting with our MMXC 5k Fundraiser that we hope ALL OF YOU will consider running or walking, or making a donation to help sponsor these kids! All proceeds go to them! Their equipment needed, travel.. especially to Regionals XC!!!

Please join our 5k! click here


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