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Thirst comes in many different forms doesn't it?

We thirst for hydration

We thirst for love

We thirst for acceptance

We thirst for forgiveness

We thirst for a way out of the overwhelm...

Every soul thirsts for something they may not have. On May 11th, 2024... I was thirsting for a lot of things but also grateful for so many others.

Quad Rock 50 mile in Fort Collins CO happened to be held on May 11th, 2024. I had signed up for this race knowing that it may not even be a possibility to complete given my health conditions, but the grateful person in me, focused on the fact that even though I didn't finish RRR 100 mile in the fall, I did complete 100k (over 60 miles).. so I should be good for this 50 miler right? :)

Not to mention I would be sharing my cabin, food, and the trails with friends (aka some clients) so how could I pass on that?! After all, this was one of the many things my soul was thirsty for.

And when you are thirsty for any of the above, don't you feel that "thing" inside telling you to quench that thirst? That "thing" being the holy spirit guiding you to what you need that may not be as obvious as "drinking water when you are thirsty."

Despite a lot of obstacles, I quenched it. But how do we know when to push and when not to? Rewind to a week prior to the race and I woke up and couldn't walk! What?! I haven't had hip problems in 8 years so why now and why this bad suddenly? I immediately sought help with massage therapy, chiropractor, etc.. and after a few hard days of those, my hip still wasn't having it.. now, you may recall, it's not just my hips that I have had surgeries and health problems with... we have actually found out the culprit to years of trouble!!! (which I will get to in a second).

I played out all the scenarios in my head, if I can't even walk, how am I supposed to run? If I don't run, I will be so disappointed.. but I won't let the others down, I will still go..

Then it hit me, all of us (friends going) except one were damaged goods. But was it stopping them either?

Ed had an accident and broke most of his ribs, needs surgery on his shoulder, and possibly torn cartilage in his knee...yet he was going to try.

How about Norm, no cartilage left in his knee! Multiple surgeries and no way around it, just suck it up and do it if you want too or not... yet he was going to try.

Giovana, coming back from extensive double hip surgeries (with cadaver parts and all!!!), knee problems too from it, and yet...she was going to try. Deyvison her supportive husband, running it as well!

Myself... MRI's and labs showed torn cartilage in my knee, (probable cause of the hip pain at the time and could be from the bone tumor I have in that area), Vitamin D Resistant Rickets Type A, Hypoparathyroidism, and Ankylosing Spondylitis.... (aka--> bone metabolism disorder, electrolyte disorder, and

Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a chronic type of arthritis that causes inflammation in the spine and other parts of the body, including the joints and ligaments.---> for me, it's actually my sternum that is fused and inflamed now but of course with all.. more testing and balancing supplements and medications). The Rickets (or known also as osteomelacia is also a kidney disorder when one has electrolyte wasting as I do--> calcium, phosphorus, etc).

Stacy would be the only completely healthy one! And if nothing else, we were all excited just to have the opportunity to share the experience with one another.

I know what you are thinking... geeze, that is a lot of injury within the same group....but keep in mind, Ed's was an accident and the rest are from unpreventable issues we were born with... so to those battling autoimmune diseases, genetic issues, or even challenges that happen by accident... I hope you will gain some inspiration here. These people have indomitable spirits. Willing to suffer for gains. Willing to overcome obstacles for continued growth. To not settle, to not quit fighting...

Notice I didn't say perfect, notice I didn't say when all things felt great, notice I didn't say when we felt better... Just like these ladies in the pictures below... we all have a choice to fuel our souls.

Fueling or recharging our soul may give you visions of bubble baths and pedicures or margaritas on the beach but... quenching thirsty souls can involve focusing our attention outside of ourselves to get out of our own heads and into something else.

  1. Spending time with a positive, inspiring group of people.

  2. Forest bathing, getting outdoors, trying new things.

  3. Being very mindful that it isn't just up to us to quench our soul thirst, we shouldn't totally rely on others approval, our achievements, yet...becoming secure in who we are and giving the things out of our control to God.

Now speaking of thirst, I have to tell you how my heart sank for a second when about 63 minutes into the race I looked down and saw that my watch had already died! For those who may not know, a lot of runners control their "fueling" --> water, electrolyte and food intake--> with time. This would be critical (literally) for me because of the metabolic issues.

The fun part about being a veteran at the sport is self awareness of my fueling needs. So without freaking out longer than a second, I quickly analyzed the course in my head with distance to aid stations and how much I would need in between and how long I felt it would take me... I'm happy to report that I nailed it. I didn't have issues with spasms I have been having, I felt strong and great (except my hip was very weak on the climbs from all the work that had been done but I really didn't have a choice), and I forged on.

My efforts would earn me 4th place (less than a minute behind 3rd with a valid effort) I was 8 minutes behind 3rd at the 42 mile mark, closing in just 45 seconds behind at the finish. I was pleased to learn I lowered the Masters (40 years old and up) course record by 36 minutes with the win in that category.

EVEN MORE IMPORTANTLY .... I was ECSTATIC that my friends/clients all finished their adventures as well! What a huge day for them, for Rugged Running (celebrating 11 years of these adventures together!), and myself for being so blessed!

  • So as I continue to focus on the good, what I can do, not what I can't, challenging myself in different ways, different forms, my soul still thirsts for more... but I do believe the difference lies in my faith and my discipline to #BETHEBUFFALO run into the storm.. instead of away from it!

TO ALL MY BUFFALOES that day... ED, Norm, Giovana, Deyvison, and Stacy (special shout out to Justine :) THANK YOU for your inspiration, thank you for your support and thank you for #beingthebuffalo

Is your soul thirsting for some of the above? How about a running retreat of a lifetime? Check out Rugged Running The Camp and sign up TODAY (registration ends June 1st!!!)



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