Michele Yates
Founder/Director of Coaching

Michele graduated from the University of Nevada Las Vegas in May of 2005 where she earned a degree in Kinesiological Sciences with a concentration in fitness management. Her personal training journey began in 2003 with a paid internship at Club Sport Green Valley, Henderson NV. Michele has accumulated over two decades of experience in group training, kids fitness, individual training/coaching, fitness club, and personal studio management. Her educational background and experience provides her with professionalism in nutrition, cardio, core, strength, flexibility, and ultimately running.
In running, Michele is a 2x Olympic Trials qualifier in the marathon and a 4x USATF National Champion in the mountain and ultra trail events also representing the US at the World and NACAC Championships multiple times and distances. She has completed over 20 marathons, with 9 wins, and still holds numerous course records at the elite level. She is a 4x National Champion in the ultra trail events and has numerous course records and wins in trail and ultra races. Michele was also crowned Ms. Figure Colorado in 2008 where she had no less than a top 2 finish in each event she competed in within the year. Michele is highly noted for her perseverance overcoming multiple surgeries for autoimmune diseases as well as double hip surgeries in which case, doctors thought she would never run again.
Bachelor's Degree in Kinesiological Sciences with a concentration in fitness management
Certified Holistic Nutritionist (AFPA)
Certified Life Coach (LCTI)
Licensed 7v7 USA Soccer Coach
NFHS/USATF Cross Country Coaching Certified
Youth XC Mountain Wolves (Movers) Coach
2x Olympic Trials Marathon Competitor
USA Team- World Mountain Trail Championships 2011
USA Team-NACAC 2012
USA Team- World Trail Championships 100k 2013
9 Marathon Wins
Ms. Figure Colorado 2008
UNLV Steeplechase Record Holder
UNLV Indoor Track 5k Record
4x National Champion (50 mile Trail 2012,2013-record holder and 100k Trail 2013, 50K Trail and record holder)
Marathon PR - 2:38:37, Rock n Roll Seattle Marathon, 2009
Half Marathon PR - 1:17:23, Spirit of the Marathon Columbus OH, 2009
10k PR - 34:16, Salt Lake City UT, 2009
2nd Place National Mountain Trail Race 2011
21st World Mountain Trail Championships Tirana Albania 2011
5th North American Trail Championships Vancouver BC 2012
2x National Champion and Record holder 50 Mile Trail 2012 & 2013
National Champion 100k Trail 2013
National Champion and record holder 50k Trail 2013
Overall winner- Indiana Trail 100 Mile, 17:35:18, Course Record, 2013
Run Rabbit Run 100 Mile Champion, 20:16:54, Course Record, 2013
3rd Place Ultra Run of Champions 100k World Championships 2013
1st place North Face Endurance Challenge 50 mile
Podium finishes- Trail Marathon National Champs 2007, 2012
Mountain Bike- "Queen of the Hill" Leadville series TX 2017, Bailey 100 7th place, 2x mtb Leadville 100 mile finisher 23rd.
2nd Place 100k trail National Champs Bandera TX 2018
MTB- Queen of the Hill Leadville series TX 2018
1st Place Open division 3rd Place Female overall Bailey 100 MTB 2018
9th Female Overall Leadville 50mile MTB 2018
Quad Rock 50 mile 2nd Place Female 2018
Run Rabbit Run 100 Mile 1st Female New Course Record 2018
Quad Rock 50 mile 2nd Place Female 2019
Run Rabbit Run 100 mile 1st Female NCR 2019
More recent- 4th Masters 5k Road National Championships 2024
1st place female and master Atlanta Marathon 2024
1st place female XC 5k aurora 2023 and 2024
1st place master, 7th female overall Run Rabbit Run 100 mile 2024
4th Place Quad Rock 50 mile and 1st master and New Course Record-Masters 2024

Lynaia South
I started running in 2010 when my friend convinced me at happy hour that I should run the Rock N RollHalf Marathon in Denver. I was 40 years old and did not have any type of running background other than a couple of failed News Year’s Resolutions here and there. Despite running ever since and signing up for longer and longer distances, I always considered myself too slow to join a run group.Rugged Running has increased my confidence and has offered a place of support. I am a Rugged Running ambassador because I want to pay it forward welcoming and supporting others as they move through their running journey. I want to help others discover that they are a runner, they just don’t know it yet. Since my first half marathon I have completed several marathons, a 50K, and in 2022 I completed the Run Rabbit Run 50 miler. I will be running my second 50 miler in May 2023. I love being outdoors so
you may also find me hiking, camping, snowboarding, and split boarding.
Check out her video here!

Norm Williams
I’m Norm Williams, a Marine Corps Veteran. (Thank you for your service Norm- RR) I live in Northwest Indiana near the Indiana Dunes National Park and State Park. 17 years ago I weighed 190 pounds and had high cholesterol, triglycerides, you name it!.. I was basically killing myself. I have surgically repaired knees so I wasn’t sure I could run. I started walking a lot and walked off 50 lbs in just one summer! I did try out the bike the next summer and bought my first pair of running shoes. I about died the first mile! 15 years later I have run over 50 ultra distance races from the 50k distance through 150 miles. Unfortunately, the last year has been rough. I tore my meniscus and had to have surgery once again. I’m slowly getting back to doing what my body is allowing me too and making every day count! Michele has been with me every step of the way. Her encouragement and just being a great coach and person is beyond what I expected. Even though I have my own challenges, I truly enjoy helping others overcome theirs. I have paced/crewed/and helped other athletes reach their goals. I’m looking forward to hosting walking/hiking (and maybe a little running) events for Rugged Running and especially hope to meet some of you in person!